Case Study – Cleaning Services


In February of 2012 Hostwall was introduced to a residential and commercial cleaning company servicing New York City. Initially Hostwall was brought in to discuss management of their Google Adwords account, but after some due diligence Hostwall was brought on board to consult on tracking and analysis before moving forward with any marketing initiatives.


Mr. Professor worked closely with Stephen E. Ogre and Price P. Clicksworth to make sure all tracking was set up properly for every online conversion. Price P. Clicksworth then took over by launching their initial Adwords account. Over time the entire Hostwall team has gotten involved to help increase the conversions on both the residential and commercial sides. Currently we are seeing over a 286% increase in new registrants at a 36% decrease in cost per registration. Click the image to the right for more statistics on how Hostwall was able to help this company grow.

177 Registrations, 347 Scheduled Cleanings, 0 Office Inquiries

683 Registrations, 785 Cleanings, 24 Office Inquiries

286% increase in registrations, 126% increase in scheduled cleanings, Office cleaning inquiries up 2,300%

Direct Traffic in March drove 36% of registrations and 55% of scheduled cleanings

December 28% of registrations and 47% of scheduled cleanings

Additional Info

  • There were 38% additional sources driving new registrations in December compared to March
  • Adwords has increased from driving 10% to 15% of monthly new registrations. 
  • Adwords has increased from driving 10% to 15% of monthly new registrations. 
  • Conversion rate March – 5%, Dec – 10%
  • Increased organic traffic by 162% monthly comparing March to December, registrations increased by 642%.
  • Cut programs started before consulting that were performing poorly resulting in 24% of March spend.
  • Estimated Revenue growth of 132% comparing March to December