
Paid Social

#sallymander is no wallflower, in fact, just the opposite – she’s the social butterfly of the Hostwall office! With an endless list of jokes, quotes and factoids in her arsenal, #sallymander is always here to update you on her day-to-day life, trials and tribulations, etc. – letting you know exactly how she feels about it. In fact, it is that inherent desire to share everything that makes her good at what she does. #sallymander is here to help you spread the word about upcoming company events, client products/services or whatever else you want to share with your followers, fans, customers or clients. While her job might seem like all fun and games – she takes it very seriously. #sallymander likes to see and be seen and in this increasingly connected society, that’s a crucial trait for a business to have.

Paid Social is an evolving form of online marketing that involves the creation of uniquely designed and managed plans:

The #sallymander Difference

#sallymander works hard behind the scenes to not only update content but to monitor all of your social profiles, to make sure the proper and consistent response time is maintained. Every business is unique and not all Social Media sites work for all businesses. #sallymander analyzes your business’ needs and goals to determine which platforms will work best, and then customizes a strategy around those needs and goals, the end result being to maximize your ROI.

The #sallymander's Approach

There are hundreds of different Social Media sites, platforms and apps out there, with new ones being developed and launched daily. Finding the right social mix for your business is something Hostwall prides itself on. Every company is different, with its own unique voice and point of view. This is true even if they offer the same products or services! Therefore, creating a customized strategy for your business is crucial. A Social Media strategy not only has to be developed around your products and services, but also around your business’ capabilities. To start a discussion with #sallymander or one of our other Social Media experts CONTACT Hostwall today for a unique conversation around your Social Media potential. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest!
Below is a list of some of the Social Networking sites we work with
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