Case Study - Local Service


In February of 2012 Hostwall took over management of the Adwords campaign for a Local Service company in Philadelphia, PA from a nationally recognized Pay Per Click management firm. Starting from scratch we were able to utilize Price P. Clicksworth’s local optimization techniques to drive 60% of the call volume received during the previous six months in just February alone, at just 10% of the cost. By utilizing very targeted campaign settings as well as long tail keywords, Hostwall has been able to maintain significant growth while decreasing costs.






When comparing the June – December 2011 management (under our competitor) to the same time period in 2012 (under Hostwall) there has been an increase in traffic of 211% and a decrease in cost of 11%. This has resulted in an increase in total calls by 428% with a decrease in cost per call of 83%. The amount of unique calls (those coming from different phone numbers) has increased by 468% and the cost per unique call has decreased by 84%. One of the major factors behind all of this was our ability to decrease cost per click by 72%.

Increase Impressions by
0 %
Decrease in cost per click by
0 %
Increase in clicks/traffic by
0 %
Decrease in cost by
0 %
Increase in call volume by
0 %
Decrease in cost per call by
0 %
Increase in unique call volume by
0 %
Decrease in cost per unique call by
0 %